See 160% Bigger Without Holding A Magnifying Glass!
When it comes to the tiny details of things like threading needles, reading ingredients, or just the fine print of a product, a magnifying glass is a big help for getting that close up to see clearly. However, the need to actually hold it over prolonged periods can be a pain.
Now you don't need to! The Zoom Vision Magnifying Glasses with LED lights lets you zoom up to 160% closer! It uses a durable optical lens built to last and is an entirely hands-free magnification to make all things small easy to see. You'll never miss the fine print again!
Features & Benefits
Sturdy Grip: due to its non-slip nose pad
Durable Optical Lens: built to last
Lightweight Flexible Frames: to carry easily
LED Lights: to see clearly even in the dark
Product Benefits
· Enlarges any object instantly
· Fits over prescription glasses
· Great for hobbies, crafts, reading and more
· 160% of magnification on any object
· Optical quality lens